Apr 12, 2011

Some things I've learned while writing my first book.

  1. Read many books in the genre(s) you want to write.
  2. Take inspiration from your favorite authors but don't copy.
  3. Find your own style of writing. Practice and stay true to yourself. You are unique and in writing this is important.
  4. Write every day. If suffering from writers block, use the time to develop your characters, plot, story world, etc. Doing this will only help your story and will help get the creative juices flowing again as well. 
  5. Step outside of your comfort zone. It'll be okay :).
  6. Try not to get too attached to your characters. Let them live in their world.  To do that, you have to let the go through things both good and bad but make it dramatic :).
  7. On the other hand, don't force what isn't there. Your readers will be able to tell.
  8. Your character did what?! It's okay, it's not you. You are the narrator. Let the characters tell their story.
  9. Write what you would like love to read.


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